We have been commissioned by the landlord to sell at online auction the following items Items are located at 397 Bedford Hwy Halifax. Bid sniper protection - any bid in the last 60 seconds will extend the bidding on that item 60 seconds Viewing By Appointment Only - Please call 902 292 0490 or 902 580 1418
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As Scouts, we are dedicated to building a better world through service, leadership, and outdoor adventure. We are excited to announce that the 2nd Fairview Scout Troop will be attending the Essex International Jamboree from July 27- August 3, 2024. Our group will have the opportunity to connect with over 5,000 Scouts and volunteers from all over the world, learn about different cultures and traditions, and work together to make a meaningful contribution to a better world. Our Scouts have been working hard to fundraise and save money for this trip, but we need your help to make it a reality. In order to raise much needed funds for several of our Scouters that could not usually afford this trip we have worked with our community to pull together this auction.
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